For making an order or consult, please write or call to:
Dr. Omar Cerrone
Tel: (54) 0291-154144762
Lic. René Massol
Tel: (54) 0291-4523230
REGULATION 1993: 1988 EURPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY- Recommendation of the Committee of Experts on the transportation of dangerous goods.
IATA Manual 2004
Mercosur Technical Regulation for Infectious Substances and Diagnostic Sample Transportation
Asuncion Treatise
Ouro Preto Protocol
Common market Group Resolutions 91/93, 452/96 y 38/98
Recommendation No 20/99 of SGT No 11 " Health"
Project Y and II IRAM 80058/1 y 80058/2:1996
Agreement on Hazardous Good Transportation in the MERCOSUR, GMC/DEC Nº 2:1994
Mercosur/GMC/RES Nº 25/00