SISTEG M4 -Transporter for four samples-
When it is needed to transport only one (1) to four (4) samples, the SISTEG Cylinder can be used.
The same Primary and Secondary Container of the original transporter are used, but a new Tertiary Container with the following features is added:
A Cylinder made of cardboard, 2 mm thick with a layer of thermo-sealed plastified aluminium, with lid and metallic base.
Inside - covering the Secondary Container - there is a material based on expanded polyethylene with aluminium covering, which guarantees the system resistance and more isolation that allows it to keep the cold chain for more than 16 hours. To increase the refrigeration even more the Secondary Container is covered with a sachet that contains refrigerating substances.
SISTEG M16 -Transporter for 16 samples-
IATA/OACI 650, UN 3373
IATA/OACI 620-UN 2814-UN 2900
SISTEG M96 -Transporter for 96 samples-
It is important to remark that this container is being used to develop the HEALTH AND NOURISHMENT NATIONAL SURVEY through the Health Ministry of the Argentinean Republic with the collaboration of the Argentinean Biochemist Foundation
When several samples must be sent and it is needed to increase the refrigeration, e.g.: international shipping
- The SISTEG overpack can be used. It consists of a container made of expanded polystyrene - telgopor. that allows 6 Quaternary Containers to be carried, completing in this way 96 samples altogether. It also contains four extra bags of refrigerating substance.